All submissions to the ICAIMT conference should be done online
via JIKM’s Editorial Manager (EM).
1- Create account on JIKM editorial
submission system; register at:
2- In the manuscript document: Insert
ICAIMT abbreviation as the first word in the title of the
submitted manuscript
Example: ICAIMT - Paper Title
3- Prepare a simple cover letter and
mention that the submitted paper is intended for the ICAIMT
special issue.
4- Choose the type of paper (research,
review) from the dropdown list in JIKM.
5- Proceed with the remaining steps and
submit the paper
6- Email the local chair (Dr Neda) that
you have submitted the paper (mention paper ID and Title,
Author name(s):
- Ensure that the conference abbreviation
(ICAIMT) is the first keyword in the paper’s
- After successful submission forward the confirmation email
to the conference chair: